What’s Your Corporate Headshot Style

Corporate Headshot Style

What’s Your Corporate Headshot Style? Contemporary, traditions, artsy, or maybe you’re aren’t sure. The style of your business portrait will vary. Different looks for different reasons is often the best method. The same person usually has reasons for different types of corporate headshots. 

A doctor who is on the speaking circuit often needs a variety of different types of professional headshots. As an example, one in their lab coat, suit, and one more creative for their speaking career. Let’s explain to help you with your corporate headshot style. 

Why Not Mix It Up?

Many executives like to mix it up with different color shirts, some with a tie, and without, women often want to change up their jewelry. A corporate headshot that is used for LinkedIn might be different than one in your email signature. A variety of backgrounds is common. Inside and out, dark and light, or a blurred out office background all can be accomplish during the same portrait session. Have you decided what’s your corporate headshot style is? No? Well there is more.


Lighting is surprisingly more of a big deal than people think. Typical lighting is what you would see on most headshots on LinkedIn. It’s a safe type of light. Our favorite is more dramatic lighting, and as a result, it’s impactful. See the sample of this is below. Notice the one on the left has typical lighting, and the one on the right is more dramatic. Depending upon what you are planning on using your business portrait, for will depend on what type of portrait lighting that you should use. 

Corporate Headshot Style

As you can see, there’s a lot to think about when deciding your style for your corporate business portrait. What’s Your Corporate Headshot Style? Contact Rob Wilson today, and he will help you with your game plan. Call (800) 757-3491, email info@yourstatementmaker.com or fill out the form below. 

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